8,006 research outputs found

    Experimental study of MIMO-OFDM transmissions at 94 GHz in indoor environments

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    Millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies have been proposed to achieve high capacity in 5G communications. Although meaningful research on the channel characteristics has been performed in the 28, 38and 60 GHz bands ─in both indoor and short-range scenarios─,only a small number of trials (experiments) have been carried out in other mm-wave bands. The objective of this work is to study the viability and evaluate the performance of the 94 GHz frequency band for MIMO-OFDM transmission in an indoor environment. Starting from a measurement campaign, the performance of MIMO algorithms is studied in terms of throughput for four different antenna configurations.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO, Spain under Grant TEC2016-78028-C3-2-P, and in part by the European FEDER funds

    La bibliofarmacia de Kate Chopin o la lectura como intoxicación

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    One of the most important yet also most neglected sets of images in Kate Chopin¿s The Awakening (1899) is that of intoxication and poisoning. In the first half of this essay I trace and discuss all the noteworthy occurrences in the novel of such words as ¿narcotic¿, ¿intoxicant¿, ¿sting¿, ¿chloroform¿, ¿venom¿, and even ¿drug [store]¿, whose main referents in the plot are the reading of romantic novels and letters, listening to Frédéric Chopin¿s music, out-of-wedlock eroticism, and the solitary contact with sublime forces such as the ocean. In the narrative, the main characters often approach their romantic experiences in either an allopathic or a homeopathic manner. In the second half of the essay I articulate a prophylactic economy of romantic experiences and emotions. To this end I resort to the ideas on the alternately healing and damaging effects of literature put forth by Kenneth Burke and Jorge Larrosa. I will then extrapolate one such economy from the situation of the characters in The Awakening to that of the undergraduate students in Spain who discover a novel with a self-destructive protagonist for the first time in an American literature course.Uno de los principales campos semánticos empleados en The Awakening (1899), de Kate Chopin, es el de la intoxicación y el envenenamiento, que hasta ahora apenas ha sido mencionado. En la primera parte del presente ensayo señalo y comento todas las apariciones significativas en la novela de palabras como ¿narcotic¿, ¿intoxicant¿, ¿sting¿, ¿chloroform¿, ¿venom¿, e incluso ¿drug [store]¿, cuyos referentes en la trama son la lectura de novelas y cartas románticas, el disfrute de la música de Frédéric Chopin, el erotismo extramatrimonial y el contacto solitario con fuerzas sublimes como el océano. En esta narración, los distintos personajes encaran sus experiencias románticas unas veces de manera alopática y otras de manera homeopática. En la segunda parte del ensayo presento una economía profiláctica de las experiencias y emociones románticas. Con este fin recurro a las ideas de Kenneth Burke y Jorge Larrosa sobre los efectos alternativamente curativos y dañinos que la literatura puede tener sobre el lector. Finalmente, extrapolaré dicha economía a la situación lectora del alumnado universitario que se encuentra por vez primera, en la clase de literatura norteamericana, con una novela de protagonista autodestructivo

    Paradoxical time and providential history in Shakespeare and Bacon

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    Few of Shakespeare's tragic characters have had so many detractors as Richard II, who has been variously dismissed as a capricious tyrant, a self-absorbed poet, and a Protean dramatic force whose unpredictable actions at times threaten the structural integrity of the play. This perception has in turn influenced the interpretation of Bolingbroke as a competent antagonist who brings much-needed order to the chaotic universe of the first two acts of Richard II. This essay sides with the minority of defenders of Richard-the character as the central intelligence who exerts the greatest control over the dramatic events as they are represented upon the stage and on the page. In discussing Richard's recourse to constructions of human history imported from providentialist historiography I make ample use of Francis Bacon's own self-representations as the abused Messiah of experimental philosophy

    Improving semantic Web services discovery and ranking: A lightweight, integrated approach

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    Semantic Web services frameworks provide the means to automatically discover, rank, compose and invoke services according to user requirements and preferences. However, current preference models offer limited expressiveness and they are tightly coupled with underlying discovery and ranking mechanisms. Furthermore, these mechanisms present performance, interoperability and integration issues that prevent the uptake of semantic technologies in these scenarios. In this work, we discuss three interrelated contributions on preference modeling, discovery optimization, and flexible, integrated ranking, tackling specifically the identified challenges on those areas using a lightweight approach.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-590

    Exiles and arrivals in Christopher Columbus and William Bradford

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    Xunta de Galicia (España) XUGA 10404A9

    Semantic Web Services Provisioning

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    Semantic Web Services constitute an important research area, where vari ous underlying frameworks, such as WSMO and OWL-S, define Semantic Web ontologies to describe Web services, so they can be automatically discovered, composed, and invoked. Service discovery has been traditionally interpreted as a functional filter in current Semantic Web Services frameworks, frequently performed by Description Logics reasoners. However, semantic provisioning has to be performed taking Quality-of-Service (QOS) into account, defining user preferences that enable QOS-aware Semantic Web Service selection. Nowadays, the research focus is actually on QOS-aware processes, so cur rent proposals are developing the field by providing QOS support to semantic provisioning, especially in selection processes. These processes lead to opti mization problems, where the best service among a set of services has to be selected, so Description Logics cannot be used in this context. Furthermore, user preferences has to be semantically defined so they can be used within selection processes. There are several proposals that extend Semantic Web Services frameworks allowing QOS-aware semantic provisioning. However, proposed selection techniques are very coupled with their proposed extensions, most of them being implemented ad hoc. Thus, there is a semantic gap between functional descriptions (usually using WSMO or OWL-S) and user preferences, which are specific for each proposal, using different ontologies or even non-semantic de scriptions, and depending on its corresponding ad hoc selection technique. In this report, we give an overview of most important Semantic Web Ser vices frameworks, showing a comparison between them. Then, a thorough analysis of state-of-the art proposals on QOS-aware semantic provisioning and user preferences descriptions is presented, discussing about their applicabil ity, advantages, and defects. Results from this analysis motivate our research work, which has been already materialized in two early contributions.Los servicios web semánticos constituyen un importante campo de inves tigación, en el cual distintos frameworks, como por ejemplo WSMO y OWL-S, definen ontologías de la web semántica para describir servicios web, de for ma que estos puedan ser descubiertos, compuestos e invocados de manera automática. El descubrimiento de servicios ha sido interpretado tradicional mente como un filtro funcional en los frameworks actuales de servicios web semánticos, usando para ello razonadores de lógica descriptiva. Sin embargo, las tareas de aprovisionamiento semántico deberían tener en cuenta la calidad del servicio, definiendo para ello preferencias de usuario de manera que sea posible realizar una selección de servicios web semánticos sensible a la cali dad. Actualmente, el foco de la investigación está en procesos sensibles a la ca lidad, por lo que las propuestas actuales están trabajando en este campo intro duciendo el soporte adecuado a la calidad del servicio dentro del aprovisio namiento semántico, y principalmente en las tareas de selección. Estas tareas desembocan en problemas de optimización, donde el mejor servicio de entre un concjunto debe ser seleccionado, por lo que las lógicas descriptivas no pue den ser usadas en este contexto. Además, las preferencias de usuario deben ser definidas semánticamente, de forma que puedan ser usadas en las tareas de selección. Existen bastantes propuestas que extienden los frameworks de servicios web semánticos para habilitar el aprovisionamiento sensible a la calidad. Sin embargo, las técnicas de selección propuestas están altamente acopladas con dichas extensiones, donde la mayoría de ellas implementan algoritmos ad hoc. Por tanto, existe un salto semántico entre las descripciones funcionales (nor malmente usando WSMO o OWL-S) y las preferencias de usuario, las cuales son definidas específicamente por cada propuesta, usando ontologías distin tas o incluso descripciones no semánticas que dependen de la correspondiente técnica de selección ad hoc

    Sobre héroes y urnas: Guillermo Valencia, Simón Bolívar y la nación como ruina

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    Guillermo Valencia furnishes the most salient example of a modernista poet of aristocratic origins who boasted a remarkable cosmopolitan repertoire and a paternalistic oratory drawn from Catholic doctrine. On the basis of this cultural capital and his long experience as congressman and journalist, he became a presidential candidate at the 1918 and 1930 elections. Since then, his poetry and life have been accorded the hagiographic treatment that Colombian institutions reserve for their founding fathers. The present essay offers a critique of the structures of domination underlying Valencia’s use of the Parnassian, philo- Hellenic, and elegiac discourses in the work produced in the years 1924-1934. In this decade he published his most striking urn-poems as well as numerous Bolivarian speeches that take the cinerary vessel as their main symbol. Resorting to the imagery of votive offerings, Valencia sublimates the mourning experienced for his electoral defeats and the ruination of conservative institutions into the construction of a lordly community united by the rituals of collective martyrdom on the altar of the motherland.Guillermo Valencia constituye el ejemplo más conspicuo de poeta modernista aristocrático en posesión de un notable repertorio cosmopolita y una oratoria paternalista de tintes católicos. Apoyado en ese capital cultural y en su larga experiencia de parlamentario y periodista, se presentó a sendas elecciones presidenciales en 1918 y 1930. Desde entonces, su lírica y su vida han recibido el tratamiento hagiográfico reservado por las instituciones colombianas a los padres de la patria. El presente ensayo ofrece una crítica de las estructuras de dominación subyacentes a los impulsos parnasiano, filohelénico y elegíaco que caracterizan la producción en verso y prosa del autor entre aproximadamente 1924 y 1934. En este decenio largo publica sus poemas-urna más interesantes así como la serie de discursos bolivarianos que tienen su símbolo rector en el vaso cinerario. A través de las ofrendas votivas, Valencia sublima el luto experimentado por las derrotas electorales y el arruinamiento de las instituciones conservadoras en la construcción de una comunidad señorial unida por el martirio colectivo en aras de la patria

    La dualidad historia/leyenda en Bécquer, Valle-Inclán y Antonio Machado

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    La mayor autoridad crítica que en general se ha concedido, en los estudios del 98, a la literatura de corte realista y presentista frente a la volcada en un pasado resueltamente mitificado corre el riesgo de minusvalorar no sólo la transcendencia social de estas últimas obras, sino también su complejidad constructiva. Este ensayo, en el cual el primer Antonio Machado es asimismo primus inter pares, quiere sustraerse a dichos peligros dando un tratamiento histórico y filosófico (apoyado en Bergson, Ortega y la “transferencia” psicoanalítica) al concepto de “leyenda” y un tratamiento poético al concepto de “historia”. En este menester comentaré en detalle un ramillete de textos en prosa y verso publicados, en su mayor parte, en la cincuentena que media entre 1857 y 1907. In studies of the Generation of 1898, realist and present-oriented literary works have been accorded greater critical authority than the literature recreating an emphatically mythic past. This gesture runs the risk of undervaluing not only the social import of the seemingly less engaged works, but also their structural complexity. My essay studies the earlier Machado in relation to Bécquer and Valle- Inclán, and seeks to avoid the pitfalls just mentioned by subjecting the poet’s concept of “leyenda” to a historical and philosophical treatment (grounded especially in Bergson, Ortega y Gasset, and the role of “transference” in psychoanalysis) while subjecting the related concept of “historia” to a poetic treatment. Most of the poems and prose pieces discussed in greater detail were published in the fifty years stretching from 1857 to 1907